Account Management Help

Accept a request to access my account

If you receive an email from Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations that someone is requesting access to your Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations account, it means that person is asking for delegate access. Additionally, Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations might request access to your account to provide better customer support. Delegate access allows another person or customer support to open and use your Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations products without needing to know your account password.

  1. In the email request you received, select Log In & Grant Access.
  2. Sign in to your Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations account.
  3. Select Confirm Access. The person or customer support is now a delegate and can open and use products in your Sliplink Network Hosting & Domain Registrations account without needing any passwords.

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